Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Poems for Teachers

I didn't want to post these until after I gave my gifts to teachers and staff at my kids' school. The first was for their teachers. The 12 days of Christmas poem I found on another site, but I can't remember which one. I also changed it a bit to put more school supplies into it and ones that I could find easily. You could do this for 12 days if you'd like or I just bundled them together in a basket and sent it on Christmas party day. The teachers really seemed to enjoy it.

On the 1st day Christmas,

The budget cuts began

So here’s some copy paper

Sorry it’s not a sedan.


For the 2nd day of Christmas,

We are busy, little bees…

You can correct our papers

With these 2 red sharpies!


For the 3rd day of Christmas,

I give you binder clips,

I’m sure it could be tempting

To use them on my lips!


For the 4th day of Christmas

White board markers come in four…

As my 3rd grade teacher,

You really help me soar!


For the 5th day of Christmas,

Some popcorn for a snack,

Sorry, that‘s all the food

I could fit in my backpack!


For the 6th day of Christmas,

Reminders you might need

To keep your day in order

Sticky notes to help you succeed.


For the 7th day of Christmas,

A package of multi-colored pens

In case to feel like writing

To some of your old friends.


For the 8th day of Christmas,

Here are 8 paperclips multiplied by 10,

I hope you are enjoying this

’cause it feels like I’ve just begun!


For the 9th day of Christmas,

I’ve brought you chewing gum,

It feels like Christmas break

Is never going to come!


For the 10th day of Christmas,

10 magnets I bring to you,

You surprise me every day

With all the fun stuff we do!


For the 11th day of Christmas,

Some pencils I hope you’ll need,

Hillview is so lucky

To have you here indeed!


For the 12th day of Christmas,

Some stickers to give you cheer,

I wish you a Merry Christmas

And a very Happy New Year!!


The second poem was for the Principal, secretaries, counselor and Librarian. Since I am the PTO president I interact with these people a lot and appreciate all the help they give me so I bought a stack of post-its and a Sonic Gift card and attached this poem that I made up.

A Poem made Just for YOU!!

Working at a school

Isn’t always cool

Budgets getting cut

Feeling you’re in a rut


Always out of cash

Feeling like you might just crash

Maybe needing a little rest

Wanting always to do your best


Winter months get long and bleak

Thinking you could use a drink

I know you don’t think of Sonic

When you need a gin and tonic


But for a drink with lots of Ice

Take this card for a nice surprise

Sit back, relax and enjoy

It’s time for Christmas break, Oh Boy!


Then when you use a post it note

Or help a kid to find their coat

Know that I appreciate all you do

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too!!!

I had one just for post-its but I wasn't sure how much I liked it, but I'll post it in case anyone else does and would like to use it.

Post Its are a simple gift I know
But believe me when I tell you that its so
You are wonderful and Kind
I ask you for favors and you don't mind
Merry Christmas and have a really great Furlough!

Silly I guess, but appreciated. Post its are a real luxury, most teachers are using the back of cut up scratch paper. That's great and all but sometimes a post it is really useful!
I hope you enjoy!!!

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